Worship - 5 January 2025

At 11:00 (CET) on Sunday, 5 January, the Eucharist for the Sunday of Epiphany will be celebrated at Santa Margarita. You are invited to participate in this recorded worship using the YouTube video above by following the words (congregational parts in subtitles, or bold), sharing the hymns and prayers, and listening to the sermon. You may use the video controls (pause, forward, back). The service lasts about 46 minutes.

How to Contribute to Santa Margarita's Chaplaincy

The cost of maintaining the chaplaincy of Santa Margarita is completely self-financed locally.

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Summary of this week's theme

On this twelfth day of Christmas, the fifth day of the new year, we reflect on gifts, givers, and the whirligig of time, which, as Shakespeare’s Feste noted, brings eventual justice. While Shakespeare often depicted human action over divine intervention, the biblical narrative emphasises God’s hand shaping history in unexpected ways. One such example is the return of Israel from exile in Babylon—a homecoming to a land most had never known. Jerusalem lay in ruins, and rebuilding was fraught with conflict and hardship. Yet God’s presence remained, even as hopes for divine abundance unfolded differently than anticipated.

Isaiah’s prophecy in chapter 60 offered light and hope to the weary returnees. God’s glory would shine upon them, drawing nations and wealth to their doorstep. Though this vision didn’t manifest as they might have wished, God’s faithfulness endured. Centuries later, unexpected visitors—the Magi—brought gifts to a new kind of king, revealing the ultimate fulfilment of God’s promise in Jesus, the light of the world.

The Feast of Epiphany celebrates this revelation. It reminds us that God’s light shines on all, even in unlikely places and through unexpected people. When hope dims, the presence of God can still be found, often through others who bear Christ’s light to us. Their humble acts of love and kindness reflect the divine gift, even surpassing the treasures brought to the Christ child.

Epiphany also invites us to embrace childlike wonder and vulnerability. The Christ child, helpless and dependent, challenges our notions of power and control. God’s gift is not force but relationship, calling us to openness and trust. This season encourages us to reconnect with the least grown-up parts of ourselves—the places of hope, curiosity, and receptiveness to God’s surprises.

As we journey through life, Epiphany asks us to consider how God might appear in the ordinary and unexpected. Detours, wrong turns, and changes of plans can become sacred opportunities to encounter God anew. The Christian faith invites us to take risks, explore uncharted paths, and find home in places we’ve never been before.

Ultimately, this journey mirrors the kingdom of heaven—a place of discovery, joy, and transformation. The whirligig of time may bring justice, but it also beckons us toward adventure, where God’s light guides us into the unknown.

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