Newsletter – March 2025



For more information:

Email Carole Brayford at Or talk to the Revd Paul.


TheChaplaincy Council.  The council met on 18 February for their last meeting before the Annual Chaplaincy meeting in March.  All current members are eligible to continue in office for the coming year but may be joined by others if new members put their names forward and are elected. The current council is made up of the following: David Green, Church Warden, Liz Astley, Carole Brayford, Colin Guanaria, Suzanne Hodges (treasurer), Heike Pieper, and Margaret and Trevor (the two Archdeaconry Synod representatives).


Candlemas - 2 February (Blessing of the Candles) – was a lovely service graced by Mel Plumley’s wonderful contribution at the organ. The occasion commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple of Jerusalem. (sadly no photos).

Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge.  Paul presided and preached at a beautiful Evensong service on 23 February at the invitation of the Master, Martin Burton.  Martin and his wife, Sarah, often visit us at Santa Margarita.  Thanks to them both for their hospitality to Paul and Kate.  Johnny and Jan Wright were also at the service.  Note from the Chaplain’s wife.  “The choir were angelic”!! To see and hear more  use this link:

We were delighted to welcome The Rev. Louis Darrant (Area Dean for Southern Spain based in Malaga) to act as locum in Paul’s absence.

On 13 February Paul was in Puerto Pollença chairing a meeting to fill their current vacancy.

Rev. Canon Andrew Norman, our new Suffragan Bishop in the Diocese of Europe was consecrated on 27 February in Canterbury Cathedral.      Paste the following link into your browser to follow the recorded service:

His installation to welcome him to the Diocese will be held on Sunday 2 March at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Gibraltar.The service will be live streamed (use the same link as above).   Please pray for him and his family as he takes up his new post. 


Electoral Roll. This year we are required to have a totally new Electoral Roll. Everyone who would like their name entered on the new Roll, (whether they are on the current Roll or not) must apply for enrolment by Saturday 1st March 2025 to vote at the Annual Meeting on 23 March.

Being on the Roll means that you can contribute to the development and way forward for our Chaplaincy through participation in the Annual Meetings and perhaps becoming a member of the Chaplaincy Council.

Application forms are available at the back of the church and should be completed and returned (following the instructions on the reverse of the form). If you are not on island or cannot attend church then request a form from

Afternoon worship in the Ciutadella area normally takes place at the outdoor chapel in Cala’n Bosc on the last Sunday of the month. Weather permitting the next service will be on Sunday 2 March 17.00.

Shrove Tuesday - Tuesday 4 March 12.30pm We will hold our usual Pancake lunch celebration at the church with the Rev. Paul as usual showing off his pancake tossing skills !

Lent 2025 begins on Ash Wednesday, 5 March, when there will be an Imposition of Ashes service in church at 11am. If anyone is unable to attend the service contact Paul who is always willing to make additional arrangements.

Lenten studies -  every Wednesday in Church at about 12 noon from 12 March.  We will be using the Diocesan Lenten series based upon the theme of the Trinity.  This is intended to coincide with the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed this year. The weekly Lenten studies will be followed by a simple soup and cheese lunch to which all are welcome.


World Day of Prayer - Friday 7 March at 17.00h in church.  All welcome.


March Lunch – Thursday 13 March at 1.30pm.  Join us for the March Chaplaincy lunch at Opera, Port Mahon (tbc).  Sign up on the sheet at the back of the church or let Paul or Carole know.  


Annual Church Meeting - Sunday 23 March 2025 at 12.30pm after the service. Please make a note of the date.  It will be possible to attend on Zoom.  The paperwork will be distributed nearer the time.

Chaplaincy Council (formerly the PCC) – join the team !  Have you considered joining the Council? If you are on the Electoral Roll, and a regular member at Santa Margarita, even if you are not resident, then do prayerfully consider seeking nomination.  Meetings can be attended on Zoom.  Your contribution will be very much valued.  Discuss with Paul if you would like further details of how you can contribute. Nomination forms from  


Sunday 30 March – Mothering Sunday service at 11am in church.


Giving Away.  Last year, the Chaplaincy Council agreed that, in response to God’s continued goodness to us, we should seek to give away 5% of our annual income to mission causes each year, trusting that He would continue to support us in the ministry at Santa Margarita.  Our planned giving away for 2024 amounts to 2700€.  To date (for 2024) we have given to :

o   Club Vidalba – 200€

o   Ciutadella Nuns – 65€

o   Food Bank Vouchers – 1450€

o   Alzheimers – 300€ 

o   Peru via the Archdeaconry (separate to the student support) 100 €

o   The remainder is carried forward into 2025 and will be distributed shortly. 

Paul is in discussions with the Red Cross about additional food vouchers to be distributed this spring when resources start to become stretched before the tourist season arrives.

For 2025 the Council have identified support for Peruvian students and food vouchers via the Red Cross as the two main beneficiaries.  

Mission Giving to Peru. Following our previous support for two students, we continue to seek to identify additional students we can support in the current year.

Coffee after Sunday services.  Liz and Kathy faithfully serve our coffee and tea after each of the services.  Kathy has been taking a short break but is now back on the team for which we are very grateful.  If you can volunteer to help with this from time to time please talk to Liz or to Kathy. All the coffee and biscuits are donated free to provide this service each week.   However we do ask for a small donation of 1.50€ per cup of coffee each week – these donations are used to support a number of different aspects of chaplaincy life from aiding the needy with food, to the floral decorations in the church. 

If anyone is willing to host a future social event – coffee morning, afternoon tea, or simple tapas that would be much appreciated.  Please let Carole know.  

If you would like to support the ministry of Santa Margarita, the Anglican Church in Menorca, then you can do so by clicking the Donate button below.

Your donation will be very gratefully received.

Rev. Paul Strudwick

Chaplain at Santa Margarita since June 2013.

+34 617 222 382

C/Stuart 20, Es Castell, Menorca, 07720, Spain

Anglican Church in Menorca

Is part of the Diocese in Europe of the Church of England.

The church offers English-language

Worship(holy communion) on Sundays (at 9:00 and 11:00) and Wednesdays (11:00), with a service of healing prayer and holy communion on Fridays (11:00).

The Anglican Church in Menorca, based at Santa Margarita in Es Castell, serves the whole island of Menorca.

All are welcome to join us for worship and fellowship.

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