Newsletter – December 2024



For more information:

Email Carole Brayford at Or talk to the Revd Paul.


Harvest Lunch – this was held at Menorca Cricket Club under the trees on a very pleasant afternoon at the end of October. We enjoyed nibbles and salads with some excellent paellas followed by pudding. Drinks of choice were provided from the bar by Dan Osterbury, our very hospitable host.

November Lunch

This was back at Can Jaume, Es Mercadal. A very jolly occasion where we enjoyed some good food. Delighted to be joined by visitors.

New Bishop.

On 29 November the name of our new Suffragan Bishop was announced – Andrew Norman, Bishop elect, who will take up his new post from February.

There was a Zoom meeting to which we were all invited where Bishop Robert introduced him to us and which provided an opportunity to welcome and pray for him.


Jane Sadler’s daughter was in touch with Paul recently. She is now living in mainland Spain but has married and was pregnant. The baby was born last week, a little boy Liam, a grandson for Jane who would no doubt have been delighted.

In addition, the 'Baby Bump' which Paul blessed recently has now become a baby, Cecilia, a daughter for Natalie and Paolo.


At the beginning of the month, Calian, aged 9, was baptised. A lovely occasion.


American Thanksgiving was celebrated on 28 November by Kate (of course) and other American friends on the island. See supper with the Self family, Bryce and her husband, Colby and all their family including newly baptised Calian.


Christmas Lunch.  In Carole’s absence in December, Liz Astley has very kindly offered to arrange lunch on Wednesday 18 December at Bar Isla, Es Castell.  More details from Paul or Liz.  There will be a sign up sheet on the church notice board.  


Saturday 14 December 12.00 noon – Christmas Lessons and Carols together with Christingles at the Carmelite Chapel in Ciutadella.  

Sunday 15 December 18.00 – Christmas Lessons and Carols.  The  service of Lessons and Carols will be in church and be followed by mince pies and mulled wine.  


January Lunch. Details will be available in the next Newsletter.

Chaplaincy Council.  The next meeting of the council will be on Thursday 13 February 2025.  

The Annual Church Meeting has been arranged for Sunday 23 March 2025 after the service. Please make a note of the date.  It will be possible to attend on Zoom.

Lent 2025.  Starting in February 25th next year, we will use the Diocesan Lenten series, based upon the theme of the Trinity.  It is intended to coincide with the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed next year. 


Reconciliation - Paul’s article in the autumn edition of Roqueta on “Reconciliation” is well worth a read.  Check the church website - See


Mission Giving to Peru.  Following our support for two students last year, we are in the process of making a further small donation to one of them so that she is able to complete the last part of her studies.  We are also seeking to identify additional students to support in the current year. 


Coffee after Sunday services.  All the coffee and biscuits are donated free to provide this service each week, faithfully served by two members of the fellowship.   However we do ask for a small donation of 1.50€ per cup of coffee each week – these donations are used to support a number of different aspects of chaplaincy life from aiding the needy with food, to the floral decorations in the church.  


Digital Card Reader -  the paperwork has at last been completed and it is now in full use!

Chaplaincy Council. The next meeting of the council will be on 28 November 2024.

Members of the Chaplaincy Council for this year are David Green, Church Warden, and Liz Astley, Carole Brayford, Colin Guanaria, Suzanne Hodges (treasurer), Heike Pieper, and Margaret and Trevor (the two Archdeaconry Synod representatives.

The weekly services of Holy Communion are recorded.  If you are not on island or cannot be in church but would like to follow the service, contact Paul and he will send the link.

New Church Website !  

Our new web address is :

If anyone is willing to host a future social event – coffee morning, afternoon tea, or simple tapas that would be much appreciated.  Please let Carole know.  

If you would like to support the ministry of Santa Margarita, the Anglican Church in Menorca, then you can do so by clicking the Donate button below.

Your donation will be very gratefully received.

Rev. Paul Strudwick

Chaplain at Santa Margarita since June 2013.

+34 617 222 382

C/Stuart 20, Es Castell, Menorca, 07720, Spain

Anglican Church in Menorca

Is part of the Diocese in Europe of the Church of England.

The church offers English-language

Worship(holy communion) on Sundays (at 9:00 and 11:00) and Wednesdays (11:00), with a service of healing prayer and holy communion on Fridays (11:00).

The Anglican Church in Menorca, based at Santa Margarita in Es Castell, serves the whole island of Menorca.

All are welcome to join us for worship and fellowship.

© 2024 Anglican Church in Menorca. All Rights Reserved